Sitemap - 2021 - Timber's (now defunct) Newsletter
A single podcast prediction for 2022
How can we create in a world of hits?
Build your audience like a punk band
Jon selfishly writes about surfing from covid sickbed
Rhythm is the single most important avenue to greatness in everything humans do
When you find the quicksand, you know you've started the adventure
How to grow your social media following the hard way
Podcast people's memories work differently
You might have creative aerobic deficiency syndrome
How to get listeners addicted to your show
Disaster writing and respecting the rules of genre
The three ingredients of a great online community
Don't try to make an original podcast
What would Steve Jobs do with podcasting?
Timber is starting a new service called The Edit
So you think you're pretty good at something you've been doing for 30 years?
A writing tip I learned at Oxford
Apple's secret way of marketing
How to survive a toxic workplace and how to avoid creating one
Getting Tonya Harding'd by Apple and Spotify
Apple Confuses Every Podcaster
Andreessen Horowitz's plan for your future
Did the world's best climber save Timber?
Spotify's secret way of marketing
Filling the void left by /Reply All/
What Google Is About to Do to Podcasting
How to find your nine year old daughter a part in an audio drama.
What does it mean to bring "craft" to podcast hosting software?
Here's what the future of podcasting looks like
Revealing ourselves by talking about others
How to make a million dollars with fewer than 1000 downloads per episode
Industry Analysts Are Wrong About Apple Podcasts+